Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oh my Puto!

Buttered Puto rolled in Parmesan cheese
Preparing my Little Lady's "baon" (snack) for school can be challenging sometimes. Most days I'll run out of imagination on what to stash in her lunchbox. They have 2 morning breaks, so I always need to prepare 2 kinds except when she's having her favorites - pizza or calzone.

Sometimes she just wants toasted wheat bread with melted butter, sprinkled with Italian herbs. In sandwiches, she just likes Spam Turkey or just plain scrambled egg with mayonnaise. No jams or peanut butter for her. So the usual snack that she usually brings apart from those are cookies, biscuits, bananas, donuts, hopia mongo or other baked goodies from our neighborhood bakeshop, Goldilocks.

She used to be a "puto" (rice/flour cake) monster, but she lost the appetite for it. One day I bought a pack from Goldilocks and forgot it already ceased to be her favorite. I was convincing her to bring it to school but she kept on saying "I don't like to bring it, Mom" with sleepy eyes and in between yawns (She needs to wake up before 5:00 am everyday for her 6:15 am class).

I don't want to waste it so I tried harder to convince her. Maybe out of her desire to just agree with what I want, she said "Okay, but please put cheese on them" pointing to the big Parmesan cheese shaker in our condiments rack. Hmm, I never thought of that.

I rolled the buttered puto cakes in a bed of Parmesan and surprisingly, they turned out to be yummier! Seems like I got a budding chef in the house, huh? :)

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