Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reviving the Wormie in Me

Online Book and Movie Fan Club

I haven't seen the sun for a while.

Only now, after days of mandatory solitude that I am able to bask in its rays once again.

Oh, I miss how the heat makes my skin tingle! After days of rain coming from the sky and my eyes, pouring into my soul, the sun makes me realize I'm still glad to be alive.

I'm already smelling the perfume emanating from my chest where I lavishly sprayed it earlier. The fact that I'm wearing a low-cut blouse only made it worse. The mild Green Tea scent is giving my olfactory senses a lot to deal with; it's starting to make me feel dizzy.

I just realized I haven't had lunch yet.

Lines from a novel? Nah.

Maybe I just sound particularly novel-ish today, partly because I snagged some good books at a sale yesterday. I got these books or only P99 each and, get a load of this-- they are NEW and on BUY ONE, TAKE ONE! So each piece costs only around $1 and a few cents
. Great deal, huh!

I got "A Map of the World" (Jane Hamilton), "Under the Tuscan Sun" (Frances Mayes), "A Little Help From Above" (Saralee Rosenberg) and "Welcome to my Planet" (Shannon Olson) for me.

"A Map of the World" is on Oprah's Book Club and a national bestseller, so I figured it must be good. I already watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" before, and loved it. But I'd like to read the story this time and compare. On the other hand, the other two are light novels which I hope will turn out to be good reads too.

As for the Little Lady, I got lucky to find these thick hardbound books:

"The Magickers" (Emily Drake) and "Mira, Mirror" (Mette Ivie Harrison). She loves magic and mystery, so these are really perfect for her.

Did I mention that she already started reading Nancy Drew books? She chose to get the hardbound type last time, like the ones I used to borrow from the school library when I was still in high school.

Good that she doesn't need colorful graphics to entice her to read. Though she still loves reading Princess, W.I.T.C.H, Total Girl, Winx, Monster Allergy magazines and Archie comics.

I'm glad she shares the same interest in reading
at this early age. :)

Now, if only I have the time to read all these. I got them primarily to revive the bookworm in me. It's been a while since I finished reading a book. All the rest were half-read and gathering dust and cobwebs in my shelf.

Since I joined Muthahood Crib's Online Book and Movie Fan Club, I might as well find time for this. :)

Wish me luck!


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