Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back with Something New!

A little update.

The 'red eye' is now well on its way to recovery; though still marked with red strains somewhere in the middle part, it looked much much better. My heartfelt thanks to those who freaked out, and yet left get well messages, as well as to those who chose not to comment, but uttered a silent prayer instead.

You guys are the best! *hugs*

Dad gave me a couple of supplements (Super B-Complex with Vitamin C and Folic Acid, Superior Amino, Centrum and Vitamin E) in order to prevent another bloodshot eye incident. Hopefully, this will help strengthen my seemingly weak blood vessels.

So what else is new?

I guess by now you've noticed a few add-ons I've been placing here lately. I did these stuff one at a time, whenever I get tired of sleeping and resting my eyes.

1. New Header with Black Background - This is so long overdue. I just remembered to make myself one when somebody left a message in my Cbox this afternoon saying, "flowers, flowers again". Ugh. I don't know if he liked them, but I was meaning to change that bouquet for the longest time. Anyways, thanks for the reminder, Harley!

I was going to wait until I finalize my preferred layout in mind so I could let Carlota do my customized template prize, but I was itching to change it now. :-) So what do you think?

By the way, for those who are wondering, those lips are mine. ^_^

2. About Me Page - Isn't this almost 6 months late, Karen Claire? ;-P

3. Blog Button -
Care to take me with you? Just copy the code and paste it anywhere you like in your blog. :)

Barefooted Me

4. Pink RSS - Something cute to feed you. Click the image to subscribe now!
5. Blog Followers - I just added this new and awesome Blogger feature. If you wish, you can follow me here. :)

6. Blogroll Page - I already removed the overcrowded sidebar blogroll and transferred all my linkies alphabetically, in one page. If you wish to exchange links with me or you need to change your link, please leave a comment THERE and I'll try to update it the soonest.

7. Share/Save Button - You can find this button at the bottom my posts. If you like a particular post, you can do anything with it (Digg, Stumble, Bookmark, Email, Yahoo Buzz, etc.) through this cool button. Just click the black arrow at the middle to see more options for adding/sharing.

8. Top Commentators - I've also added this widget to my sidebar as my way of saying thanks for always leaving comments that put a smile on my face. :-)

Whew! Having a bloodshot eye isn't so bad, huh?

Related Posts:

The Red Eye
Who Am I?: Just A Little Piece of Me