Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tags and Award Sunday

This tag came from Ria. Thanks, girl! I haven't been doing tags for a while and they're piling up really good, so I decided to unload a couple of them today. :)

7 Random Facts About Me:

1. Whenever I go to one of my favorite malls, my trip is never complete without eating spicy Jamaican beef pie and Takoyaki (Japanese octopus/squid and veggie balls) in the food court.

I always have around 4 pens and a notebook inside my bag. I just can't live without them.

I seldom delegate. I'd rather do things myself than have to redo somebody's work that I could have done right the first time.

I don't care about what others think of me. I don't lose sleep over other people's opinion of who I am.

I love my daughter to bits. I think this fact is quite obvious! lol

6. If given the chance, I'd rather be a stay-at-home working mom.

I am loyal, patient and persevering; but sometimes, to a fault.

Now, it's your turn to tell me something about yourself:
Hailey, CC, Shawie, Darlene and Camille. :)

The Love Blog's Award

This was awarded to me by Recheers of In The Life Of..."Mně". Thank you so much for this thoughtful gesture. I love it! :)

And I am giving this award to all my blogger friends who have been spreading the love all around the blogosphere! *hugs*

Mom’s Real Spa Treatment

Hailey shared with me this funny but true-to-life tag. Thanks! This tag really made me laugh. :D

Having Spa Treatments: Wheng | Yen | Shimumsy | Eds | Mitch | Hailey | KCee | add your blog where you posted this.

Eyebrow Threading and Microdermabrasion

Aromatherapy and Body Wrap


Mommies who can avail of the Spa treatments by having this tag are: Wena, Cherry and Ria. Have fun, girls! :)